Skipped workout
I don't normally skip workouts, especially 12 days until raceday! But, as I'm starting to feel a little under the weather, and everyone at the office is sick, I decided to play safe and rest up. Today was only supposed to be an easy 30 minute run, so it's no big deal...only I was supposed to run with my colleagues.
I did, however, get lots of advice on how to beat a cold. It's interesting to hear all the remedies...I'd rather endure a cold than take some these cures!
- Swallowing a heaping tablespoon of minced raw garlic, smothered in honey
- Potassium broth (potatoes, onions, garlic, and parsley)
- Hot water, lemon, honey, and ginger
- Hot water and dried chrysanthemum blossoms
- Coke boiled with lemon slices (a Hong Kong recipe)
- Zinc lozenges with Vitamin C and echinacea
- Gargling with cayenne pepper
Garlic seems like a popular dad used to put raw cloves up his nose!! I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish there! I don't like the smell or taste of raw garlic so I cheated and roasted it - but I did eat an entire bulb!! I pity my clients who are coming to see me tomorrow...
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