Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One more week 'til the taper!

Tonight's workout: 8 street circuits (800m).

Lately I've been dreading the Wednesday workouts - feeling frustrated because I have been lagging behind. I considered skipping it, or maybe running on my own on the treadmill. My excuse was going to be work - I had to stay behind while some clients were being assessed. But then my colleague very kindly offered to stay so I could do my workout - and so I had to do it!

It was a cool but sunny night - perfect for running. Surprisingly, everything felt good - no complaints from the hips or knees, and no nausea. I think I even had enough energy to run a couple more! (That is encouraging as we are doing nine repeats next week!) So thank you, Hereity, for staying behind at work so I could train. I don't know why I skip workouts...I always feel so guilty that I can't enjoy my time off anyhow!

This Sunday is our last long run: 34km. Then we taper until the race. It's funny I look forward to a "short" distance like 20km! 25 sleeps to go...


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