Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Easy run day

I love "easy run" days. Finally the sun came through the clouds and Meghan, my co-worker, and I went for a relaxing run in Beacon Hill Park. Everything is feeling pretty good...maybe I don't have to Vaseline and duct tape my blister after all! (My coach has some craaaaazy suggestions). You'd never know it, but long distance running is an extreme sport! Just ask those poor male marathon runners who cross the finish line with bleeding nipples. Ow. The list of injuries I've had is long: blisters, black toes, chafing, IT band tightness, knee soreness, foot cramps...Then again, I'm way better now than I was last year, when I spent a good time of the day propping up my leg with an ice pack and knocking back the ibuprofen like it was candy. How does that song go? "Hurts so good..."


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