Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Almost there! Get me to those cookies in the food tent!

Are those tears or raindrops streaming down my face? A little of both.

Slowly, slowly walking back to the house

Well, everyone had a good chuckle at my "penguin waddle" at work today. Going up and down stairs are still a bit of a challenge, but gradually my quads and calves are loosening up. The worse is getting up after sitting for a while. I should be ready to go in a few days! I'm already looking up marathons for next year - guess this means I'm addicted...or crazy.
I'm looking forward to getting together with the running clinic to see hear everyone's stories. I hear there were some tummy troubles, cramping, etc. Someone even had to go to the hospital to get an IV! So, I fared pretty well, I think! I am so proud of everyone for finishing and doing so well - a real testament to personal strength and excellent coaching.

Just for fun, here is a clip showing you how to recognize a marathoner:

Yes, those are bleeding nipples in the clip, and YES it does happen! Usually to men, who don't have a bra to reduce the chafing effect of the t-shirt. Ouch. Let this be a lesson: always apply Bodyglide and "Nip Guards" (nipple-sized bandaids)! I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

Thanks again to everyone who made it out to cheer me on, wished me luck, ran with me, and supported me (and sorry to Hereity and Roy, who I missed at the finish line!). You guys inspire me!


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