Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sacrificing Saturdays

Day 73: Those who know me know that I am not a morning person, as seen by the many times I've put on clothes backwards or made coffee with no coffee grounds. So, I often find it hard to motivate myself to wake up and run. Yesterday I woke up at 6, bleary-eyed, and promptly hit the snooze button. The schedule said to run 110 minutes, but since I had a late start, I could only run 45. The first 10 minutes were a bit of a slog, but as my legs started to wake up, the cobwebs cleared from my brain and I began to enjoy having the streets to myself.

Tomorrow's long run starts later - at 7 - but as I have to eat breakfast and drive to Elk Lake, I can't exactly roll out of bed at 6:30. My alarm is set for 4:45, which gives me plenty of time to digest my peanut butter toast and coffee, do the Sunday crossword, get all my drinks and gels ready, and mentally prepare myself. It's hard giving up my Saturday night - no drinking or late nights for months now, it seems! - but it will all be worth it when I cross that finish line on October 7.


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