Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Some unexpected motivation

As I was locking up my bike on campus today, I overheard a conversation between two students who had been out on the town last night. The girl asked her friend if he got the number of someone he was chatting up. He said, "Yeah...but then I found out she was THIRTY! You could never tell though...it was dark, and she was Asian." Undeniable proof that it's high time for me to hurry up, finish and get out of uni!


At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... aw, don't take it personally. I've discovered that 28, when working with people aged 18-24, is absolutely ANCIENT. Born in the 70s? I must have been there when the Titanic went down. Horribly depressing. I love those pictures from Mt Tolmie too - it's days like that I really miss BC.


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