Spring cleaning

It is now cherry blossom season in Japan, and here in Victoria. I've always loved seeing all the trees full of pink and white blossoms, the streets covered in petals and the air full of their fragrance. When I was a little girl, I used to be so sad that they would live for only a couple of weeks. It seemed such a shame that something so beautiful could be gone so quickly. Then again, if the flowers were to last forever, I'm sure we would not appreciate them so much. I am sure that is one of the reasons why the cherry blossom is so cherished in Japan.
This trip was different than all of the others. I certainly couldn't call it "travelling" as I was not there to see sights - it was more of a "homecoming." Still, the act of getting on a plane and going somewhere always reminds me how much I miss travelling and how much it means to me. I know I've been extremely fortunate to have gone to so many places. I have travelled to more places than most people dream of. I really have had a charmed existence. At one point, I thought that I've travelled enough, and if I were never to go to another country again, I would be content with what I've done. Yet, there is a big part of me that thinks that travelling is so important for personal growth - and without it, I'd stagnate.
I think I'm ready for another big trip - 4-8 weeks backpacking somewhere. Of course, in my current job, this is not possible. I have two weeks holiday, which goes up to three after next year, I think. Two weeks is just not enough time. Even on this trip to Japan - a country where I've lived and am familiar with - I felt that the time was too short.
Before I started this job, my intent was to work or volunteer abroad. Now I'm staying even longer than I had intended - my contract is until March 31, 2009. I love my job - it is fulfilling and challenging, and I work with amazing people, both colleagues and clients. But...I am uncomfortable with the commitment sometimes. I don't really feel as if I am ready to settle yet - settle into that job, into Victoria, into this life. I feel I still have other things to accomplish. At 32, I feel that time is running out. One day, I may have my own family, my parents to take care of, etc. At this point in time, I am free. So, I should take advantage of it.
I've started thinking about becoming a school teacher. For those who have known me all my life, I'm sure you're not surprised! Teaching has been a lifelong passion of mine and pretty much all of my jobs have been related to education. My parents have been suggested becoming a school teacher ever since I came back from Japan. However, I've never really given it any serious thought until this trip and realizing that you get 2 months of holiday in the summer plus winter and spring break! Of course, holiday time is not the only reason I would consider this career change, but it definitely plays a role! Plus I could work in other countries or volunteer as a teacher during summer holidays.
I haven't made any concrete decisions yet. Obviously I will need to consider all the factors, like the job market in BC, how easy it would be to get a work visa in a different country, what the job is like, where to study, etc. Luckily I have a lot of friends who happen to be teachers, so I'll be asking for advice. And I have to consider that I'll have to go back to school. (Only a year and a half off and I'm back already!) I've missed the application deadline for the September start, and I have to do some upgrading anyhow. Seems odd that I am thinking of a career change to feed my travel bug...but a rewarding career is important to me and this is the best one I can think of that will give me job satisfaction as well as time and money to travel. Plus, if I ever have kids, we'll have holidays together!
Spring is time for new beginnings and clearing out the cobwebs!