Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A biannual torture

It's interesting how different countries approach medical care - different treatments, different priorities, different approaches. For instance, drugs are weak in Japan, so you often end up taking about 5 different pills for one symptom. And while they go to their doctor for every cough and sniffle, it seems that the average Japanese person won't see their dentist unless there is something wrong. While this isn't the best oral hygiene, I have to admit that I didn't miss my checkups at all.

I haaate going to the dentist. I had a particularly traumatic experience when the dentist couldn't freeze me properly, even after sticking three or four needles in my mouth. So I just gripped the arm rests really hard while he drilled. I was in so much pain that I cried during the entire procedure. Ever since then, I absolutely dread going to the dentist, to the point that once I burst into tears even before he walked into the room! I'm sure I have WARNING: PROBLEM PATIENT stamped onto my file.

Checkups are awful. You're sitting there with this harsh light shining into your eyes, while someone is jabbing sharp objects into your bleeding gums. Meanwhile, your ears are getting assaulted with 'lite rock' hits - as if the whole experience isn't unpleasant enough, you're forced to listen to Celine Dion, Bryan Adams and Heart! I could never work in a medical office - all the Enya would put me over the edge. (I have no idea why it's called easy-listening - I find it very hard to listen to!) And why do hygienists and dentists insist on making small talk, when you have all this equipment in your mouth??

I do feel sorry for them though. No one ever looks forward to their dental appointments. It must be hard to be so loathed! I can't say it would be a fun or easy job - peering into people's gross mouths all day, and dealing with troublesome, wussy patients like me. And lucky them, they get to see me next month too! Hope they have their tissue boxes ready...


At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going next month too and I actually cant wait to go. I really need a check-up. Although, it isnt a pleasant experience, my mouth feels mighty clean afterwards. Cant beat that feeling!


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