Hoya hoya: Looking at life anew

Monday, September 05, 2005

Back in Bangkok

Bangkok - I'm sitting in an Internet cafe, surrounded by 13 year-olds playing video games. The goaty smell of teenage boys is stifling. It's weird to be back on my own again...I've gotten used to having someone to talk to all the time. It's a bit lonely! I'm sure I'll get used to it again. This is my fourth time to Thailand...and I don't remember it being so clean before! After the vibrant colour, chaos and noise of India, Bangkok seems very modern and a bit sterile in comparison. I can't get over how quiet and tame it seems! I miss India already!

Only eleven more days until I go back to Canada! It's hard to imagine living there again. To tell the truth, I'm feeling pretty nervous and apprehensive about it. I'm glad I have a bit of time alone to process all that has happened. What a rollercoaster it's been - leaving Japan, travelling in India - about as exciting and scary as a cab ride on the highways of Mumbai.


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